Synergi Gas - Regulator station impact assessment applications

Assess and analyze the impact of critical unplanned events as well as planned outages on regulator stations

The Regulator station impact assessment applications; Synergi Gas Overpressure Analysis and Synergi Gas Outage Analysis, run automated analyses on multiple hydraulic models. The applications help you prepare for various regulator station events - whether they fail-open, fail-shut, or are planned outages.

The Regulator station impact assessment applications:

  • Help gain an understanding of downstream consequences
  • Provide relevant information to help prepare and prioritize mitigation actions in case of planned and unplanned events
  • Deliver results in hours or even minutes where traditional methods may take days or weeks of manual effort
  • Provide comparative analysis and ranking of impact severity for each station within a Synergi Gas model

Synergi Gas Overpressure Analysis application is a cloud-based web solution that analyses each regulator station in an existing Synergi Gas hydraulic model to calculate the consequences of a critical ‘fail open’ scenario.

The application details the downstream impacts, including maximum downstream pressure, percentage over the MAOP, length of gas mains effected, and the areas affected. At the same time, it also provides a system-wide view with summarized impact scores for each regulator station across multiple Synergi Gas models so you can easily rank the stations based on consequence. 

Understand the consequences of a regulator station fail-open event

Understanding the relative impacts of a failure on each station within the distribution system allows planning and design engineers to proactively plan mitigation strategies – ranging from priority station redesign/ rebuilds, installation of protective valving, or increased patrols and surveillance.

Synergi Gas Overpressure Analysis application automates the process of analysing individual stations, thereby simplifying and expediting the otherwise manpower intensive manual analysis of each station. The detailed hydraulic analyses are displayed as interactive charts and maps to quickly visualize the location and severity of impacts for all stations in the model. 

Synergi Gas Overpressure Analysis application will help you:

  • Understand the impact of a regulator station fail-open 
  • Assist in proactive planning for mitigation actions
  • Prioritize and focus resources on high consequence stations
  • Save time by eliminating time-consuming manual processes
  • Improve planning through accurate, reliable analyses  
  • Provide consequence data to a more comprehensive regulator station risk model

Synergi Gas Outage Analysis application is a cloud-based web solution that quickly evaluates all regulator stations in an existing Synergi Gas hydraulic model to calculate and report downstream impacts of a critical ‘fail shut’ scenario and planned regulator closings at each station.

The application details accurate downstream pressure results utilizing Synergi Gas models to inform regulator station maintenance priorities and perform capacity analysis, and quick assessments of the impact of  the loss of supply downstream of each regulator station.  

The Synergi Gas Outage Analysis application will determine the customers that cannot be supplied and will automatically eliminate their loads from the pressure and flow calculations. When coupled with Synergi Gas Customer Management module, planners and engineers can use the application to identify the number and locations of lost customers.

Synergi Gas Outage Analysis application will help you:

  • Prepare for unplanned outage events or prioritize planned outages thereby minimizing impact to downstream customers
  • Maintain operations and revenues by reducing lost customers
  • Save time and money by eliminating time-consuming manual processes
  • Improve planning through accurate, reliable analyses 
  • Better understand customer impact to improve overall risk mitigation methodology  
  • Provide consequence data to a more comprehensive regulator station risk model

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