ViewPoint espresso survey: The new 9001 and 14001 requirements

Requirement 4.1 - Understanding the organisation and its context

As the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) is moving into the final stages of its management system standard revision, companies are getting ready to comply with the new versions of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. The High Level Structure (HLS) already promises alignment among the standards to make implementation easier for companies and organizations with management systems certified to multiple standards.

As ISO is moving to improve how their standards support companies in building sustainable business performance, the big question for certified companies and organizations seems to be how they will meet the new requirements. In its first release, our ViewPoint Espresso focuses on Requirement 4.1 “Understanding the organisation and its context.”

When asking customers to what extent they think they are already compliant with the new ISO 9001 and/or ISO 14001 requirement, 16% of the respondents answer that they are fully compliant, 43 % somewhat compliant and 17 % far from being compliant.

What is behind these numbers and how are these companies moving to close the gap? What are our opinions? For a quick insight, download the report.

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