
Taking you through the grid connection process easily and smoothly for your offshore wind energy generation assets.

Putting an offshore wind project together involves a huge amount of risk. A lot of things need to happen in the right order, making project management critical. You need to keep abreast of changes, such as the OFTO (OFfshore Transmission Owner) scheme and the trend towards HVDC to support larger projects further offshore. Then there is the regulatory background to take into account plus the impact from emerging European grid codes. So grid connection can be a big headache for developers and investors.

Guiding you through the connection process
DNV’s Grid connections services take away the pain by handling the complete process for you. Negotiation with the network operator to decide on the best connection point; input on the detailed engineering process, which becomes part of the BOP works; right through to construction. Let us take care of it all and get you through the process of getting connected.

That includes guiding you through the regulatory landscape. Because we stay ahead of the game on regulations, we can give you essential insight on both the current situation and any upcoming changes.

After you accept the connection offer, you can call on our support in writing specifications to accommodate the operator’s requirements. And by understanding that grid connections are part of a bigger picture, we can identify risks and offer any possible curtailments which might become apparent.

Global, tailored service
Our global service is always tailored to your specific needs. Our experts apply a deep knowledge of the electrical characteristics of wind energy generation assets, focusing both on the network and what is being connected to it. We’re very well known for our wind energy experience – covering technical issues and the contractual process.

Related information

Have a look at our related services and industry reports.

Offshore wind: The power to progress

Our new report ‘Offshore wind: The power to progress’ delves into the key factors that impact offshore wind development and identifies new insights that will accelerate offshore wind expansion globally.