Optimum operations of wind power plants

2017 Global Innovation Project and Joint Industry Project

At this moment the industry is lacking a best practice in wind power plant operations. Through a Joint Industry Project (JIP) DNV wants to develop a new draft Recommended Practice (RP) on optimisation and benchmarking of wind power plants.

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The aim is to increasing performance and reducing downtime for optimal power output at lowest cost over the whole lifetime.

Determine today's baseline of wind power plant operations. Identify the strategy to achieve optimum operations for your individual power plant and also future projects. The planning, implementation and operational phases will be considered together and examined in a detailed manner. The identification of the power plant hardware configuration, technical management on-site implementation are key topics to be elaborated by the partners of this JIP. A quality mark will benchmark the power plants’ operation and enable a comparison between best operational setups from others. Questions addressed and discussed are:

  • How is the plant control setup?
  • How is plant performance managed?
  • How effective are the procedures?
  • How can learnings be transferred?
  • Which optimisations are possible?

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Elements of the wind power plant operations (WinPPOp)

The main deliverable of the project will be a (draft) DNV Recommended Practice for wind power plant operations (WinPPOp). The recommended practice will define the baseline for operators and provide guidance to enhance the power plant performance.