Cybersecurity concerns everyone, not just IT. We tailor security awareness programmes and plans based on the existing culture and needs of your organization, from prevention to recovery strategies.
Did you know that 74% of all cybersecurity breaches include a human element, be it stolen credentials or social engineering? To mitigate the risk of a cyber-attack, organizations should educate employees about possible threats and how to recognize and report them. This DNV Cyber report explains why a Cybersecurity Awareness Program is vital to an organization and presents the cornerstones to ensuring its success.
Cybersecurity breaches commonly involve a human element. Awareness and culture must be strengthened to ensure overall resilience. This concerns everyone, not just IT. Compliance is just the starting point – and one of many benefits.
cybersecurity into safety and compliance
a common language and increase understanding of cyber risks
your organization’s resilience
the highest expectations of due diligence
a competitive advantage, earning the trust of your customers, partners, and stakeholders
Cybersecurity awareness is needed more than ever to enable business success. Everyone in an organization has a role to play. Cybersecurity culture is crucial to ensuring resilience, trust, due diligence and the continuity of your operations.
Incidents are sometimes deliberate, but more often they are negligent or accidental. Strengthening cybersecurity culture indirectly prepares your organization for cyber-attacks, and it directly prevents incidents from unintentional errors. Cybersecurity culture is affected by multiple factors and challenging to change. Resistance to change is almost universal. Changing attitudes and behaviour requires constant communication, training and education.
Many organizations erroneously believe that they are safe behind their firewalls – and that it is enough to invest in technical solutions. Cybersecurity awareness and culture must also be strengthened to ensure overall business resilience.
Hanna Raitanen
Cybersecurity Awareness Team Leader
DNV Cyber
DNV Cyber awareness expertise covers all stages, from current state analysis to planning and implementing professional cybersecurity awareness programmes for organizations operating in a variety of business sectors.
Every organization and culture is unique, and one size does not fit all. Strengthening your cybersecurity culture requires a tailored approach. To do this, we must first understand the existing culture and needs of your organization. What is the cybersecurity maturity level? What is your appetite for risk? Based on this understanding, we then tailor a security awareness program and annual plan that covers everything from prevention to recovery strategies.
The implementation is result-oriented and measurable, enabling ongoing development. This requires a combination of long-term planning and short-term agility, being comfortable with uncertainty and overcoming resistance to change. When done right this can enhance operations not just by strengthening cybersecurity but also by improving interaction across different organizational business areas and between contributing disciplines.
We employ a wide range of tools, including gamification and simulations, to support awareness. We provide awareness services in many industries, including manufacturing, energy, security-critical state administration, online service providers, financial services, and telecoms.