On-demand webinar

Driving the right Cyber Security Behaviour for NIS2 Compliance and Beyond

The NIS2 directive introduces new awareness requirements that are pivotal for organizations striving to enhance their cyber resilience. The broadened scope encompasses a range of requisites linked to behavioral components – from foundational cyber hygiene practices to the nurturing of cyber security awareness through training, and the strengthening of human resources defenses. However, the human factor extends beyond these specific mandates. People serve as the bedrock of effective cyber security and embracing it within the company culture means empowering individuals with the right knowledge, skills, and capabilities to seamlessly embed the right behaviour on their day-to-day work.

It is important for organizations to have a proactive approach towards these changes and adapting to the increased requirements. Building a successful cyber security awareness company culture lies on crafting a well-structured and strategic roadmap by carefully considering which topics need to be covered and how the entire process should be organized.

Register and watch our webinar, where our experts Tom van Boheemen, Senior OT Security Consultant at DNV, and Hanna Raitanen, Cyber Security Awareness Business Manager at Nixu, a DNV company, shed light on the essential components of NIS2 compliance, focusing specifically on the critical aspect of cyber security awareness.

Our experts covered these key topics:  

  • NIS2 Awareness Requirements: Mapping the essentials to actionable strategies.
  • Fostering Cyber Security Awareness Culture: A strategic roadmap to proactive security behavior and how to measure success.
  • Success Factors and Pitfalls: Real-world stories to learn from.


You'll Learn:

  • Strategies for integrating cyber security awareness into your organization's DNA.
  • Tactics for engaging key stakeholders, including top management and team leads.
  • Creative approaches to reinforce cyber security messages and drive behavior change.
  • Practical methods for measuring the impact of your awareness efforts and ensuring continuous improvement.
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