
DNV 可进行海上可再生能源尽职调查,评估海上风电或波能和潮汐能项目的技术风险,确保为开发商、业主、投资者和其他方提供独立评估。


我们的 尽职调查 服务可确保独立评估所有关键的技术项目预期,并确定任何潜在问题和相关缓解措施。我们的服务可针对任何陆地或海上风电、波能和潮汐能或太阳能项目量身定制。尽职调查可提供所有相关方都能依赖的独立评估,从而为投资或收购过程提供支持。

我们的审查着眼于项目的技术层面,包括发电量估算、设备与技术、相关土建和电气设计、合同安排、项目进度和预算、环境许可 以及未来运营和维护成本。审查还可能包括项目现场考察、设备制造商审计、详细的设备检验、施工监测和竣工验收。通过考虑所有技术信息,我们可提出一系列适合项目及相关方的相关结论和建议。

30 年全球项目经验
我们在质量和可靠性方面的声望与我们的经验密不可分。在近 30 年的时间里,DNV 一直与所有客户密切合作,提供海上可再生能源尽职调查服务。无论项目或投资规模多大,处于哪个生命周期阶段,或在世界哪个地区开展,我们的专家都会以广博的知识为支撑,为协助制定明智的决策打下坚实的基础。

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Wind turbine Inspections

Independent, objective inspections of onshore and offshore wind turbines keep all stakeholders in the picture.

Pre-construction wind energy assessment

Validated pre-construction wind farm energy output predictions help you mitigate risk and build confidence in your project among prospective partners and customers.

Solar energy assessment

Robust, independent Solar energy assessments from a trusted and experienced partner help you build confidence in your project’s financial viability.

Renewables Project engineering

DNV gives you all the renewables Project engineering support you need through every stage of building and managing an energy project.

Remote sensing for wind energy

Independent lidar and sodar expertise and turnkey services in on- and offshore wind for all your remote sensing needs, from resource assessments to power curve measurements and performance monitoring.