




  • 风机担保测试
  • 风机验证测试
  • 风机担保产量测试
  • 风机合规测试

此外,我们还能支持您开展测量前的规划工作 — 帮助您选择测试地点和施工经理。我们也可协助您进行项目管理,利用我们丰富的经验来保障最高效的测试流程。

我们已在世界各地测试超过 800 台风机,质量享誉全球。因此,您的客户将更坚定地相信,您的风机将达到预期的性能。我们已和所有活跃的风机制造商展开合作,并得到了充分的认可。

Related information

Have a look at our related services.


Remote sensing for wind energy

Independent lidar and sodar expertise and turnkey services in on- and offshore wind for all your remote sensing needs, from resource assessments to power curve measurements and performance monitoring.


Wind turbine noise measurements

Proven noise modelling and measurements for onshore wind farms help you meet environmental regulations and minimize project risks.


Turbine power quality testing

Proven power quality testing for onshore wind farms helps you meet grid code requirements, mitigate issues and improve performance.


Pre-construction wind energy assessment

Validated pre-construction wind farm energy output predictions help you mitigate risk and build confidence in your project among prospective partners and customers.


Wind turbine type testing

Independent expert wind turbine type testing services verifies turbine performance bringing peace of mind for all stakeholders.