





  • 确保您的换证项目解决关键安全事项
  • 确信符合换证计划和进坞时间
  • 从未来五年装置的可用性中受益

Related downloads and links


Offshore technical guidance (OTG)

Download our guidance papers


Your offshore classification partner

Safe and compliant operations and improved efficiency (6MB)


Veracity - an open industry platform

Explore our market place of digital services


Related rules

View "Offshore units fleet in service" and "DNV approval of service supplier schemes"


Cyber security resilience management

Download our Recommended Practice (DNVGL-RP-0496)


Emergency Response Service (ERS™)

Our ERS™ experts are on call 24/7 with the right advice and support to ensure that an emergency doesn’t end in a disaster.


Remote surveys for fleet in service

DNV-classed vessels can utilize efficient and convenient remote surveys for a number of inspections, bookable via My Services on the Veracity platform.


Maritime cyber security

Why cyber security is essential for your business