Navigating Cyber Security Challenges and IACS URs Implementation

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Welcome, Global transformation leading to rising need for Cyber Resilience and Security 

Time: 15:30 – 15:40 

Speaker: Svante Einarsson, Head of Maritime Cyber Security Advisory, DNV Accelerator 


Impact of IACS UR on Cyber security – progress, status and future steps 

Time: 15:40 – 15: 50  

Speaker: Jarle Coll Blomhoff, Head of Maritime Cyber Security Classification, DNV Maritime 


Industry panel discussion, Cyber security practical experiences in Maritime and the impacts of IACS requirements 

Time: 15:50 – 16:20 

Speakers: Matti Suominen, Maritime Cyber Security Director, Wärtsi 

Jarle Coll Blomhoff, Head of Maritime Cyber Security Classification, DNV Maritime 

Svante Einarsson, Head of Maritime Cyber Security Advisory, DNV Accelerator 

Cris Dewitt, Director of Cybers security and Compliance, Ocean Infinity