Tag. Trace. Trust.

Build trust into your products and assets

Instill trust in the claims and attributes of products and assets with a seamless, secure and transparent solution. By tagging certificates and product passports with a unique digital identity, your customers can easily trace them to the origin to check data, validity and authenticity.

Tag. Trace. Trust. helps you issue a statement, certificate of conformity or product passport to share the quality, performance and environmental impact of your products and assets. A digital product passport contains product characteristics and certifications uploaded into the blockchain, creating differentiation in a competitive market increasingly looking for transparency.

You will instantly benefit from the ability to ensure the origin, maintain the integrity of your products, protect your market position and differentiate company and product brands in a trusted way.

Whether related to a product or industrial asset, you guarantee origin and integrity throughout the supply chain or across the lifecycle. Your customer and their end-customers can instantly verify and trace the claims and attributes you share. The immutable end-to-end traceability builds unique trust into every document.

How does it work?

  1. Set-up
    Design and implement the template you wish to use to communicate the claims and/or attributes.
  2. Issue
    Issue the statements, whether single statements, certificates or product passports, containing the claims and/or attributes of your product or industry asset.
  3. Share
    Share a single statement, certificate or product passport with customers and end-consumers.

  4. Check
    Users can scan a QR code to trace and check the origin and authenticity of the statement, certificate or product passport.

Key solution features

  • Seamless:
    Integrates via APIs into existing IT infrastructure
  • Secure:
    Data stored immutably on the VeChain Thor public Blockchain
  • Transparent:
    Customers can check claims on the blockchain via a hyperlink or QR code


Protect your brand and build trust with your customers by:

  • Ensuring origin of products and assets and maintaining integrity by showcasing their quality, performance, ethical or sustainability credentials
  • Issuing statements, certificates or passports with a unique digital identity making product claims and attributes traceable
  • Safeguarding authenticity of claims and attributes making them easy to check by safely storing them on the blockchain
Tag. Trace. Trust. builds on DNV’s 150 years of experience helping companies build trust in their operations, products and supply chains. By combining assurance and blockchain-based solutions, we can provide verification, certification, supply chain and circular ecosystem services to verify data and authenticate your product and service claims, as well.